Portman around the World

22 February 2018
used gear

Take a look at photos&videos from last ter

We start with XVth International Winter Road Congress in Amber Expo. This event took place in Poland and hosted officcials from all over the world.

Around 10 P1s were used for this fine-looking setup.

XVth International Winter Road Congress in Amber Expo, Poland with Portman Lights fixtures

Next is Peace Proms – Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland. This concert took place in Ireland and more than dozen P1s were used to lit this place.

Peace Proms - Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland with Portman Lights fixtures, P1 Retro Lamp

Multisenses with Portman Lights P1s and P3 Noten Helfen 2018. Very modest one P3 is making debut on german market with on side P1s.

Multisenses with Portman Lights P1s and P3 Noten Helfen 2018

Our distributor Marbo Trade has now P1s and P2s on stock, and they already tried them out!
