Portman around the world #10

26 October 2018
used gear

Another, 10th episode of series Portman Around the World!

Yes, we`ve been here and there for last few months, including UK, France, Poland and USA. Some of events are too special not to mention them here. We are definitely proud that our fixtures lightened such events like:

BBC 1Xtra Live
Watch more on https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p06fwg82

Another great show with creatively used P1 and P2 during Hozier performance had place on ITV in The Jonathan Ross Show.

Portman Lights P1 Retro Lamp at Hozier performance in Jonathan Ross Show
Hozier at Jonathan Ross Show with lot of P1 Retro Lamp

Speaking of shows – interesting installation of our P2s appeared on the scene of America’s Got Talent on NBC.
Full video: https://youtu.be/2bCG1Aef1fc
More videos from AGT: http://bit.ly/AGTSub

Summer was full of festivals and concerts featuring Portman Lights, specially P3. One of them was Boardmasters Festival.

On the shots – The Amazons

Production Designer Tom Campbell
MIRRAD & Colour Sound Experiment Ltd

P3 PIX3L by Portman Lights in the lighting design by Tom Campbell
MIRRAD and Portman Lights P3

There much more to be said. If you want to see more events with Portman Lights, check out our Facebook/PortmanCustomLights