Portman around the World #8

11 July 2018
used gear

Where Portman fixtures featured the last term?

You are wondering where our fixtures are being used? Well, pretty much everywhere around the world.

This time we take a closer look at events, concerts and more in Poland, USA, Germany, Spain and Australia

Poland – Tauron Nowa Muzyka Katowice x Red Bull Music with Tving Stage Design and EventGalicja (distributor P.S. Teatr); Entorozstaje 2018, Poland

Germany – Namika in Schlag den Henssler

Spain – USE Sonido brought P1 Retro Lamp to Gran Teatre del Liceu

USA – Miss North Carolina Scholarship Pageant, Inc (distributor Inner Circle Distribution, Inc.)

Australia – The Angels (Official) by Gigawatt sound and lighting(Distributor TLC Global)

Entorozstaje 2018, Poland.
Beautiful P1 with a butterfly in Portman colors on the fixture


That’s it for this week Portman around the World. If you have any questions regarding this events/shows, let us know by writing to us on Facebook or email.

See you next time!


