Premiere of P1 mini LED at Prolight+Sound 2019

28 March 2019
used gear

Premiere of P1 mini LED at Prolight+Sound fair in Frankfurt!

During one of the most important fairs in our industry, the Prolight+Sound in Frankfurt we presented our new addition to Portman – P1 mini LED – with tungsten look and retro style but now  FULL LED!

This is the first decorative, professional and full LED stage lighting fixture  that keeps the real vintage, halogen look. P1 Mini comes with 2 layers of light sources – special 1800K filament and RGBW glow that enhances creative possibilities of the fixture. 

New lighting fixture met the great interest among both the brand’s distributors and new buyers. Why this reaction, since the product is confusingly reminiscent of the flagship product – P1 Retro Lamp – the first fixture in the history Portman?

P1 mini – as the name suggests – is smaller and much lighter – it is 75% of the size of its forerunner and weighs only 8kg. Yes, it looks like P1 Retro Lamp, which was the intention of Portman`s designers. The main novelty of the fixture is primarily a new source of light – LED. And although it still has a tungsten look, which was our main idea, it is much more economical – power consumption is up to 95W. In addition, as a result of many requests from the market, we decided to incorporate the RGBW color palette, which gives completely new  possibilities for light designers.

More information and details soon at Products tab. Stay tuned!